Display Advertising

Approximately 1,000 copies of our program book are distributed at our concerts at the Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center. Members of our loyal and dedicated audience, who come to The Kate from all over Connecticut, enjoy the arts, dining, travel, and shopping. They are the prime audience for your advertising. If you have not seen our program book, just click on the cover in the menu on the left to browse a PDF version of last year’s program.

Advertisers will also be acknowledged on the Chestnut Hill Concerts website with a link to their business web site.

You may now pay for your advertisement online with a credit card!

Select ad size

Advertising sizes and rates

Dimensions [W X H]
Ad rate
Back cover (full color)
4.5″ X 7.5″
Inside front cover
4.5″ X 7.5″
$500 b&w; full color $550
Inside back cover
4.5″ X 7.5″
$500 b&w; full color $550
Full page
4.5″ X 7.5″
Half page
4.5″ X 3.75
Quarter page
4.5″ X 1.875″
Listing (30 characters maximum)

You can download an advertising contract by clicking here.

Program book ad specifications

All advertisers are encouraged to submit digital files for better quality reproduction.

Ads should be submitted in PDF format. TIFF files are also acceptable, but for type to reproduce properly,
resolution should be between 600 and 1200 dpi.
JPEG format is discouraged, although high-resolution files (600 dpi+) saved at maximum quality may be acceptable.

Color images or text that are to be reproduced in black and white should be converted to greyscale before submission.

Please submit ads, or direct questions, to: admin@chestnuthillconcerts.org


Click on the cover of this Program book to see how your sponsorship or advertisement might appear.

To learn more about sponsorships
or advertising, please write to



Chestnut Hill Concerts
PO Box 183
Guilford, CT 06437
(203) 488-8403

Click on the cover of this Program book to see how your sponsorship or advertisement might appear.

To learn more about sponsorships
or advertising, please write to



Chestnut Hill Concerts
PO Box 183
Guilford, CT 06437
(203) 488-8403